My Articles
For ease of use, the articles have been grouped according to their main topic.
Just click on each section to open up the list of material there. Each individual article can be downloaded as a PDF file.
Articles about teaching reading
2021 Lessons from a Shanghai reading lesson
2015 Exploring a national book-gifting scheme
2009 Teaching reading in China and UK
1994 Student teachers and teaching reading
1993 Professional knowledge for the Teaching of Reading: the 3 S’s
1993 Reading Experiences and Interests of Junior School Children
1988 The impact of psycholinguistic theories on trainee-teachers’ views of the teaching of reading
1982 Research Insights into extending reading
1980 Provision and use of resources in a primary school
Articles about teaching writing
Articles about teachers' professional development
Articles about extending literacy
2006 An inquiry-based approach to library instruction
2002 Metacognition and literacy
2001 Literacy in the secondary curriculum
2001 Literacy initiatives in the secondary school
1999 Secondary Teachers’ Views of Literacy
1998 Teaching literacy foundations of good practice
1995 Schools as Partners in Family Literacy
1995 Extending Interactions with Texts: Theory into Practice
1995 Extending Interactions with Non-fiction Texts: An EXIT into Understanding
1994 Making reading for information more accessible to children with learning difficulties
1994 Comprehension monitoring and metacognition
1994 Advancing on the higher front
1992 Children’s use of information books
1988 Teaching Information Skills in the UK Elementary School
Articles about digital literacies
2020 An exploration of Chinese students’ self-directed mobile learning
2017 Digital literacies in a Chinese secondary school
2015 Views of texting among secondary teachers
2007 New technologies new literacies
1990 Text processing and literacy
1989 Using desktop publishing to develop literacy
1983 Computer-assisted learning in language and reading
Articles about language learning
Articles about readability
Articles about handwriting
Articles about teachers and teacher education
2021 Pre-service teachers undertaking international research
2014 Preservice teachers research and reflection
2012 Preservice teachers and research
2009 Why do some student teachers make good use of ICT
2006 Teacher education in Primary English
2006 Theoretical orientations to literacy
2002 What do effective teachers of literacy know, believe and do
2001 Theoretical beliefs of effective teachers of literacy
2000 Teaching Practices of Effective Teachers of Literacy
1999 The characteristics of effective teachers of literacy
1999 Effective teachers of literacy
1998 Effective Teachers of Literacy – research summary